From Zero To Customer (Business Building Strategies)

Strategies to take your business to the next level. I'll discuss lead generation and conversion plans to help your business generate more revenue for less cost. Buckle that seat belt, we're about to go from Zero To Customer in no time!

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Thursday Sep 22, 2022

Have you been in the same industry awhile? 
Yes, you may have experience. But, you don't know everything. 
Here is why...

Friday Jun 25, 2021

Jeanne Moore discussing the challenges with our current health insurance industry to both business owners (employers) and employees. She is on a crusade to raise awareness and educate people on what is wrong and how to correct it. 
Learn more at:

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021

Mr. Lenny Parchamento Owner of JLK Detailing in Orange County, CA talks about his business and how he helps his customers feel happier getting into their cars again, after a good detailing job. 
Our vehicles can get messy fast, with kids, pets, food, and other things we leave lying around. JLK Detailing is here to make feel like your vehicle is brand new again.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021

My good friend Chris talks about his new comic publishing Company, We discuss how indie artists do not get their fair share of profits and how him and his partner, Tim...plan to help. 
Learn more on how to submit your own story at
All online store purchases go to charity. 

Tuesday May 25, 2021

Why having a business social media profile is not enough for your business. 

Thursday Apr 29, 2021

Quick tips on how to keep your website and domain safe and secure. 

Friday Apr 23, 2021

If you're going to say you can do it. Be prepared to deliver on it 100%. 
Otherwise, you could be setting yourself up for a difficult customer experience. 
On this episode I talk about the importance of honoring your online word.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021

"Go big or go home."
I'm not sure if that's the case for your website development. 
On this short episode I discuss a plan or strategy to help you figure out how big (in terms of pages and content) or small your website should be. 

Friday Apr 09, 2021

Here's a quick episode on how to get free web traffic, if you're just starting out and your budget is limited. 

Thursday Apr 08, 2021

Advice on hiring close family and friends for your website development. 
Good idea or bad idea? You decide. 

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